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Digital Technologies to Accelerate Decarbonization of Gas Processing Facilities

The gas processing industry is under increasing pressure from customers, governments, shareholders, and society as a whole to reduce the carbon footprint of their products and processes. As a result, many are adopting ‘net zero’ goals, and are developing strategies to achieve these goals. Invariably these strategies include transitioning towards (1) the production of hydrogen via a variety of routes, (2) carbon capture, utilization and storage, and (3) the use of bio-based feeds for the production of fuels.

For many of these technologies, challenges remain to scale up, reduce costs, integrate into wider process systems and increase confidence and acceptance.

In this presentation, we present how digital design techniques based on can help speed up technology development, map system interactions, determine optimal buffer sizing, especially in highly transient scenarios, optimize equipment and system designs, and ultimately provide reassurance to all stakeholders to confidently navigate the road to decarbonization.

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