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Capacity Expansion of Two Ethane Recovery Units at QAPCO, Umm Said, Qatar

In the early 90's, the ethane rich gas availability has changed with the start-up of the NORTH FIELD project. It was therefore possible to run the original ethane recovery unit at full capacity. Within this context, the expansion of the Complex became a necessity and QAPCO issued an International Inquiry for the expansion of the site, aiming in the first phase to define the most profitable target capacity for the ethane cracker expansion . In 1994, TECHNIP signs a lump sum turnkey contract with QAPCO, for the expansion of the production capacity to 525 000 T/year of net polymer grade ethylene. The revamp of the two associated ethane recovery units is a part of this contract.
The revamp of the utility center was also required and QAPCO awarded the contract to TECHNIPETROL (ITALY). The additional ethylene production will be used to produce polyethylene in a new P.E UNIT, awarded to SNAMPROGETTI (ITALY)
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