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An Integrated Approach for Europe’s Industrial CCUS Projects

CO2 has been transported via pipelines for 50 years. The oil and gas industry has a wealth of experience in this area, gained as a need to dispose of acid gas, or as part of EOR. CO2 associated with hydrocarbon production has an exceptional level of purity. The engineering of industrial carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) projects requires a different approach. CCUS for CO2 of industrial origin has limited industry standards and documents of reference, and a large number of unknowns. Naturally, industrial CCUS presents a greater challenge than pure CO2 capture due to the level of impurities found in the systems. The impurities present have an effect on the fluid behaviour, and increases the demands for thermodynamic modelling to take into account cross associating components to accurately predict phase behaviour. Without accurate modelling, it is not possible to quantify the risks of corrosion. Due to their complexity, these projects require a multidiscipline, integrated, and cyclical approach with input from corrosion, flow assurance, and thermodynamic specialists in order to ensure successful and effective project completion. This presentation presents our multidisciplinary approach and the various challenges faced on the most advanced projects for industrial CCUS.

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